
503 Controls:
Trim Control
Low Pass Filter
Frequency Cut/Boost Controls
EQ In/Out
High Frq. Sweep Control
Mid Frq. Sweep Control
Low Frq. Sweep Control
High Pass Filter
High Frq. Sweep Control: Fully variable
sweep range; 2.5kHz to 20kHz. Q value of 1 at
Mid. Frq. Sweep Control: Fully variable
sweep range; 325Hz to 5kHz. Q value of 1 at
Low Frq. Sweep Control: Fully variable
sweep range; 30Hz to 400kHz. Q value of 1 at
High Pass Filter: 2-position HP filter provides
3dB cut at 150Hz or 50Hz.
Trim Control: This is a transofrmer-less post-
EQ gain stage providing 6dB of clean cutting or
boosting for the overall signal being processed.
This control is post EQ In/Out control.
Frequency Cut/Boost Controls: Provides
12dB of cutting or boosting of selected fre-
quency from corresponding sweep control. A
center detent in available on each band.
EQ In/Out: This is a dual color LET toggle
switch. Red will indicate the EQ settings have
been by-passed, green will indicates active EQ.
The control does not effect the Trim.