Data Sheet

App Note Title
Application Note 4
© Copyright 2021 Laird Connectivity
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Figure 2: Module schematic
4.2 EFR32BG22 SoC
The EFR32BG22 SoC features a 32-bit ARM Cortex M33 core, a 2.4 GHz high-performance radio, 512 kB of flash memory,
a rich set of MCU peripherals, and various clock management and serial interfacing options.
4.3 Antenna
Lyra P modules include a ceramic chip antenna on board with the characteristics detailed in Table 2.
Table 2: Antenna information
Parameter With Optimal Layout Note
Efficiency -1 dB
Antenna efficiency, gain and radiation pattern are highly dependent on the application
PCB layout and mechanical design.
Peak gain 1.86 dBi
4.4 Power Supply
The Lyra P requires a single nominal supply level of 3.0 V to operate. All necessary decoupling and filtering components are
included in the module.
This section details the regulatory certification status of the module in various regions. The address for the module
manufacturer and certification applicant is:
Laird Connectivity
50 South Main Street, Suite 1100
Akron, Ohio 44308
5.1 Qualified Antennas
Lyra P modules have been tested and certified with the on-board chip antenna. Performance characteristics for the chip
antennas are presented in Table 2.