User's Manual

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Document p/n:
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1-1
1.1 Purpose 1-1
1.2 Scope 1-1
1.3 Applicability 1-1
1.4 Overview 1-1
1.5 Cautions and Warnings 1-1
2 Test Procedure 2
2.1 Required Material 2
2.1.1 Documents 2
2.1.2 Equipment 2
2.2 Test Procedure Steps 3
2.2.1 Installation Verification 3
2.2.2 Power Verification 3
2.2.3 Antenna Signal Verification 3
2.2.4 Test Transponder Verification 3
2.3 Troubleshooting Tips 3
2.3.1 Power Verification 3
2.3.2 Antenna Signal Verification 3
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