User Manual

Part # 68C-MKU, Edition 01/2007, Version 1.0 Page 7
The following are general safety precautions that are not related to any specific procedure and
therefore do not appear elsewhere in this manual. These are general safety precautions and
instructions that people must understand and apply during many phases of operation and
maintenance to ensure personal safety and health and the protection of your company
KEEP AWAY FROM LIVE CIRCUITS. Maintenance personnel must observe all safety
requirements at all times. Do not replace components or make adjustments inside the
equipment with the electrical supply turned on. Under certain conditions, danger may exist
even when the power control is in the off position due to charges retained by capacitors. To
avoid injuries, always remove power, discharge and ground a circuit before touching it.
Adhere to all lock out/tag requirements.
INTERNAL SERVICE AND/OR ADJUSTMENTS. Whenever possible, do not attempt internal
service or adjustment of equipment unless another person capable of rendering aid and
resuscitation is present.
FINGER RINGS/JEWELRY. Finger rings have caused many serious injuries. Remove rings,
watches and other metallic objects that may cause shock or burn hazards.
SOLDERING/DE-SOLDERING. Avoid breathing fumes generated by soldering/de-soldering.
Perform all operations in a ventilated area. Eye protection is required.
CLEANING SOLVENTS. Some cleaners and solvents have adverse effects on skin, eyes,
respiratory tract and internal organs. These adverse effects range from discomfort to serious
injury and death, depending on the material and degree of exposure. Observe manufacturers’
warning labels and contact your immediate supervisor if in any doubt.
Remember…. the person now reading these instructions is primarily responsible for his
or her own health and safety.