User's Manual

Section 2, Page 6 01/2001, CATTRON
Radio Control Operator’s Duties General Equipment, continued.
c. When installed, activate the ALARM/RESET switch on the PS controller (this is
normally an optional function that sounds the equipment alarm and resets the main power
d. Check each function independently to be sure that equipment is responding correctly.
e. Where a limit switch is provided, you should check the limit switch at the beginning of
each shift as defined by your plant operating procedures.
f. Check Range Limiting if used.
g. Check STOP operation
h. Check brake operation.
2. You must report all defective or missing safety equipment, mechanical or electrical defects to
your supervisor without delay. Do not continue operation until fully repaired.
3. If anyone is in the path of equipment travel, stop and sound the alarm before proceeding.
4. Persons operating this equipment shall not use a limit stop as a utility stopping device.
5 When leaving the equipment area for any reason, set (push down) the PS controller red STOP
switch to ‘STOP’ and turn power ON/OFF switch to ‘OFF’. Remove the ‘i-Key’ from the PS
controller and keep it on your person.
6. Do not allow any unauthorized person to operate the PS controller.
7. Do not operate the PS controller at a distance where the equipment and all surrounding objects
are not visible.
8. Do not attempt to override any of the safety features built into the Radio Control System.
9. If for any reason you or anyone has to board the radio-controlled equipment, set (push down) the
Pendant controller red STOP switch to ‘STOP’ and turn the power ON/OFF switch to ‘OFF’.
Remove the ‘i-Key’ from the PS controller and keep it on your person.