User's Manual

Section 5, Page 14 01/2001, CATTRON
Address, Frequency Bank, and Frequency report only.
NOTES: (1) This mode allows confirmation of Address, Frequency Bank, and Frequency
settings. Changes cannot be programmed while in this mode.
(2) The following Address Digit #1 and # 2 address reporting procedures are
not applicable to PSEZ Controllers.
1. Referring to Figure 5-1 above, set the ON/OFF switch on the PS controller to ‘OFF’. Make
sure the red STOP Switch on the controller is unlatched and set to the ‘RUN’ (pulled up)
NOTE: Provided a Frequency and Address has been programmed in the controller,
applying power to the controller with the red STOP Switch set to ‘STOP’
(pushed down) will immediately place the Controller in a STOP message
transmit cycle. If a Frequency and Address has not been pre-programmed in the
controller, the STOP message transmit cycle cannot be sent. Instead, the
controller will emit three long beeps and reset.
2. Press and hold down buttons #1 and #2 (see figure 5-1 above) and set ON/OFF switch to
‘ON’. Pause approximately for one second or until the green LED illuminates, then release
buttons #1 and #2. The controller will emit one long ‘beep’, which means you are now in the
Main Menu of the address and frequency program.
NOTE: The yellow LED will flash instead of the green LED when low battery voltage is
3. Press and release button #4. The controller will emit one long ‘beep’ followed by four short
‘beeps’ and the green LED will flash rhythmically with each short ‘beep’. This indicates
you are now in the Address, Frequency Bank, and Frequency report Mode.
4. To find one of the four CS or two EZ controller Address Digit Values, press and release
button #1. Then press buttons #1 thru #4 corresponding to the desired Address Digit (for EZ,
press buttons # 3 and #4 only). The controller will emit one long beep to alert you, then will
beep out the Address Digit setting count with short beeps. The green LED will also flash
with each beep/count. (‘0’ is represented by a long beep with no LED flash). Look, listen,
and count to determine the existing value. Repeat as necessary by pressing buttons #1 thru #4
for CS controllers or #3 and #4 for EZ controllers. See Address Table on page 7 of this
section to convert number of ‘Beeps’ to ‘Address Digit’ setting. Set the ON/OFF switch on
the controller to ‘OFF’. Repeat the above procedure to check Frequency Bank and
Frequency settings.