User's Manual

01/2001, CATTRON
Cranesafety 7
The PRC crane shall not be boarded without permission of the supervisor in charge of
crane operations in the area.
Using the power ON/OFF switch(es), the person boarding the PRC crane shall switch
the portable remote controller to ‘OFF’ and take it with him or her on to the crane.
When the controller is equipped with a STOP button, this shall be set to the ‘STOP’
position before switching off power to the controller.
If the boarding party consists of more than one person, one person shall be designated
as the leader of the boarding party.
The leader shall board the crane first, open and lock out the main switch (securing it
with a padlock), and then signal the other members of the party that it is safe for them
to board the crane.
Headroom is at a minimum in some crane cabs and on some crane walkways. All
people on board such cranes shall exercise caution. Hard hats shall be worn at all
If the repair crew consists of more than one person, one person shall be designated as
the crew leader.
Warning signs shall be placed on the floor beneath the crane or suspended from the
crane indicating the crane is being serviced.
If any work to be done on the crane is carried out in locations unprotected by standard
handrails, safety belts shall be worn by all crew members working in such
unprotected locations. All tools and equipment shall be moved onto the crane by the
use of hand lines. All tools and equipment shall be securely attached to hand lines.
If it is necessary to have the control circuits on the crane energized, the repair crew
leader shall open all power circuits to the motions before closing the main switch.
If, during the course of repairs, it becomes necessary to move the crane, it shall be the
responsibility of the crew leader to insure that all personnel located on, and within the
operational area of the crane are in a safe position out of harms-way. In addition the
crew leader shall insure all tools and materials are stowed or tightly restrained before
the crane is moved.
When the repair work is completed, the crew leader shall see that all crewmembers
are off of the crane before he or she closes the main switch.
If more that one person is on board the PRC crane, one person shall be made
responsible for seeing that all workers are off the crane before the portable remote
controller is returned to operational use.