User's Manual

BT85x Series
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Ref No.
Characteristics Minimum
Typical Maximum
3 PCM bit clock HIGH 41 - - ns
4 PCM_SYNC setup 8 - - ns
5 PCM_SYNC_hold 8 - - ns
6 PCM_OUT delay 0 - 25 ns
7 PCM_IN setup 8 - - ns
8 PCM_IN hold 8 - - ns
Delay from rising edge of PCM_BCLK during last bit
period to PCM_OUT becoming high impedance
0 - 25 ns
In long-frame synchronization mode, the frame synchronization signal is again an active-high pulse at the audio
frame rate; however, the duration is three bit periods and the pulse starts coincident with the first bit of the first
Figure 4 and Table 11 shows PCM Timing Diagram and Specifications for the master mode of long-frame.
Figure 4: PCM timing diagram (Long-Frame Sync, Master Mode)
Table 11: PCM Interface timing specifications (Long-Frame Sync, Master Mode)
Ref No.
Characteristics Minimum
Typical Maximum
1 PCM bit clock frequency - - 12 MHz
2 PCM bit clock LOW 41 - - ns
3 PCM bit clock HIGH 41 - - ns
4 PCM_SYNC delay 0 - 25 ns
5 PCM_OUT delay 0 - 25 ns
6 PCM_IN setup 8 - - ns
7 PCM_IN hold 8 - - ns
Delay from rising edge of PCM_BCLK during last bit
period to PCM_OUT becoming high impedance
0 - 25 ns