Users Manual Part 1

Nerve Integrity Monitor
CRM Console Radio Module.
DSP Digital signal processor.
EIC External Interface Controller.
Event sequence A series of events separated from each other by less than one second.
GUI Graphical user interface.
Nervassure Automatic periodic stimulation.
NIM Nerve Integrity Monitor, NIM Vital.
NIM Vital See NIM
PI Patient interface.
PMB Power Management Board.
Stimulus artifact A monitoring term for an artifact created by stimulus voltage delivered to the patient, which is picked up as feedback
either internally or externally to the monitoring equipment. It is normally small and does not impact monitoring but
can, under certain conditions, be displayed and sounded on the monitor.
Stimulus artifact on-
On the monitoring screen, the stimulus artifact appears as an event (above or below threshold) which starts directly
after the stimulus on the left side of the screen and proceeds for a duration into the EMG waveform detection area.
The level of the artifact is directly proportional to the stimulus delivery and cannot be EMG because nerve signals
need time propagate.
Stimulus artifact sound The audio representation of a stimulus artifact. It is a high frequency sound similar to a cymbal (ti--tchi). This sound
should not be confused with an EMG sound which sounds like a drum beat.
Stimulus rejection period Adjustable delay reading EMG after stimulation. In previous versions of the NIM, this was referred to as Stimulus
Artifact or Artifact Delay.
False negative The condition where the probe is on nerve, but you do not get an EMG tone.
Tap test Tapping the electrode location may cause artifactual response on the NIM Vital. This test is not a reliable technique to
indicate correct electrode placement/connection.
FCC use only, not for Medical use