Installation Instructions

LANCOM vRouter Installation Guide – Initial setup
Internet connection
Setting up an Internet connection is easily done with a Setup Wizard. Start
the Setup Wizard using the WEBconfig menu item Setup Wizards.
Make sure that the Ethernet port you use for the Internet connec-
tion is not connected the LAN that is used to manage the vRouter.
Registration & activation
The functional scope of the LANCOM vRouter is determined by the license
that was used to activate it. The license sets out framework conditions
such as:
A Maximum number of VPN tunnels
A Maximum data throughput
A Maximum number of ARF networks
A vRouter without an activated license is limited to a data throughput of
100 Kbps.
Registration using LANconfig
To register the LANCOM vRouter using LANconfig, right-click on the device
to open the context menu and select Activate license.
In the dialog that opens, enter the purchased license key and click the
button Register license. Your web browser will then redirect you to the
LANCOM Systems website to carry out the registration. After you enter the
information, you can download the license file.