user manual

18. Secure rear half of differential carrier in a
soft-jawed vice.
19. Make suitable alignment marks between front
and rear halves of differential carrier.
20. Remove 8 bolts securing front half of carrier to
rear, remove carrier.
21. Suitably identify front sun gear to front half of
carrier, remove sun gear.
22. Remove and discard thrust washer.
23. Suitably identify each planet gear to its shaft
and fitted position of each cross shaft to rear
half of carrier.
24. Remove retaining ring.
25. Remove planet gears and cross shafts, remove
and discard dished thrust washers.
26. Suitably identify rear sun gear to rear half of
carrier, remove sun gear.
27. Remove and discard thrust washer.
1. Clean all components, remove all traces of
silicone sealant using suitable solvent and a
plastic scraper.
Up to serial no. 288709E:
Remove all traces of
gasket using suitable gasket removal spray
and a plastic scraper.
3. Clean all traces of Loctite and sealant from
threads of bolts and tapped holes. Ensure
holes are clean and dry.
CAUTION: Do not use a tap to clear
threads in tapped holes.
4. Check all casings and covers for cracks and
5. Replace any component found to be damaged.