
Common Symptoms
Symptom: Treadbelt feels like it’s slipping or grabbing when walked on.
Possible Cause: Loose drive belt or treadbelt. Adjust as per manual. Remember to adjust only till
slipping stops. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN
Possible Cause: Worn treadbelt and/or deck. If treadbelt or deck is worn it will cause excessive
friction and the user will feel like belt is slipping or grabbing.
1. Reach hand under front of treadbelt and see if deck feels rough, grooved, or if you see bare wood.
These are signs the belt needs to replaced and the deck needs to be reversed or replaced if it has
already been reversed.
2. Compare the outer edge of the treadbelt to the middle of the treadbelt. The outer edge wears less
since the user walks near the center of the belt. You will be able to see the cross weave of fabric on a
good treadbelt. This cross weave design traps air inside tiny pockets. The treadbelt glides on this
trapped air. When a belt wears, the cross weave becomes flat and smooth. This is not good because
there are no more pockets to catch the air. If the center of the treadbelt is smooth (glazed) and
exhibits black streaks it’s time to replace.
1. If amp draw is high (8 amps or more on home) it is advisable to check belt and deck for wear. Tip:
If Red Current Lamp is lit then Amp Draw is high.
Symptom: Treadmill slows down when user steps onto treadbelt.
Possible Cause: Worn out treadbelt or deck. See above.
Possible Cause: Worn or defective motor brushes and/or scorched commutator on drive motor.
Dress out commutator and replace brushes.
Possible Cause: Demagnetized stator magnets on drive motor.
Make sure that treadmill is unplugged! Disconnect drive motor from lower circuit board. Hold the two
motor wires, Black A+ and White A-, together and rotate the motor flywheel by hand. Get a good feel
for the rotational friction of the drive motor. Then disconnect the two motor wires and rotate the drive
motor by hand. If the drive motor begins to spin much easier, then your motor is not the problem. If
you notice no difference, then replace the drive motor. NOTE: A good drive motor will spin freely with
little friction when disconnected from the lower circuit board. If the two motor wires are connected
together, the drive motor will become much harder to rotate. Also see: Component Testing –Drive
Symptom: Treadbelt is moving diagonally.
If a belt is moving diagonally on the treadmill it can be corrected with the following steps:
1. Loosen the take up roller (both sides)
2. Take off the motor cover.
3. Loosen the drive roller adjustment bolt on the right side (opposite the sheave pulley).
4. Using a large screw driver or pry bar move the drive roller forward if the belt is angled right to left
or backward if its angled left to right.