Installation Guide Part 2

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Thelowersection,current parameters”,displaystheoperationalparameters
2 Connecttheshootercabletothemoduleprogrammingport.Thefollowing
Figure 9.9 “Inspect Mode” Screen With Module Plugged In
If the Meter Type selected does not match the module under test, GPrep displays a dialog
box indicating “wrong module Type” along with a blinking “Module reject” message.
GPrep does not allow the operator to continue with this function.
If the current parameters do not match the predetermined values, a warning message
displays. (This is normal for new modules because a module coming from the
manufacturer is programmed with test parameters).
Module PCB ID (board ID) is populated during manufacturing. Upon verification of module
inspection, this value is saved in combination with the module Power LAN Address in the
Inspect file along with date, operator’s name and location of inspection.