Model Vehicle User Manual

© 2002 Lanier R/C
Lanier R/C
lm o s t R eady to Fly
This R/C kit and th e model you will build fr o m it is not a toy! It is capable of serious bodily harm and prop erty
dam age. It is your responsibility , and yours alone -to build this kit correctly, properly install all R/C com ponents and
flying gear (engine, tank, ra d io, pushrods, etc. and to test the m odel and fly it only with experienced, com petent help,
using com m onsense and in accordance with all safety standards as set forth in the A cadem y of M odel Aeronautics Safety
C ode. It is suggested that you join the AM A and becom e properly insured b e fo re attem pting to fly this m odel. If you are
just starting R /C m odeling, consult your local hobby dealer or write to the A cadem y of M odel Aeronautics to find an
experienced instru ctor in your area. Write to: A cadem y of M odel A eronautics, 5151 Memorial Dr. M uncie, IN 47302
Lanier R/C is p roud of the care and attention that goes into the m anufacture of parts fo r its m odel kits. The com pany
w arrants that for a period of 30 days, it will replace, at the buyers request, any part or material shown to the companys
satisfaction to have been defective in w orkm anship or material at the time of purchase.
No other w arra n ty of any kind, expressed or implied, is made with respect to the m erchandise sold by the com pany. The
buyer acknow ledges and understands that he is purchasing only a com ponent kit fro m w h ich the buyer will himself
construct a finish ed flying m odel airplane. The com pany is neither the m anufacturer of su ch a flying m odel airplane, nor a
seller of it. The buyer hereby assu m es the risk and all liability for personal or property dam age or injury arising out of the
buyers use of the com ponents or the finished flying m odel airplane, w henever any su ch dam age or injury sh all occur.
A ny action brought fo rth against the com pany, based on the breach of the contract of sale to the buyer, or on any alleged
w arran ty thereunder, must be brought within one year of the date of such sale, or there after be barred. T h is one-year
limitation is im posed by agreem ent of the parties as perm itted by the law s of the state of Georgia.

Summary of content (16 pages)