User's Manual

User Manual
WCB1000H5PX/WCB1010H5PX IEEE802.11bg High Power BS/Bridge/CPE
ESSID : Display Extended Service Set ID of the wireless currently.
Security : Display security type of the wireless currently.
Status : Display connection status of the wireless currently.
If the system associate with BS, the BSSID, RSSI and Last Tx Time will be show up.
BSSID : Indicate the Basic Service Set ID of the associated BS
RSSI : Indicate the RSSI of the associated BS.
Last Tx Time : Indicate the last receive packet of the associated BS
LAN Information : Display the information of the LAN interface.
MAC Address : The MAC address of the LAN port.
IP Address : The IP address of the LAN port.
IP Netmask : The IP netmask of the LAN port.
Receive bytes :The current receive bytes of the LAN port.
Receive packets : The current receive packets of the LAN port.
Transmit bytes : The current transmit bytes of the LAN port.
Transmit packets : The current transmit packets of the LAN port.