User's Manual

Table Of Contents
For a Static IP
Enter the IP address for the wireless unit.
Enter the Gateway IP address.
Define the Netmask: Number of Bits for Host Port.
Change the default Telnet password, if you wish.
Enter for the IP address fields to disable the BOOTP and improve response
If not supplied by the DHCP Server, enter the Gateway IP address.
Define the Netmask: Number of Bits for Host Port.
Change the default Telnet password, if you wish.
Change the DHCP device name, if you wish.
NOTE: The DHCP name defaults to CXXXXXX, where XXXXXX is the last six
digits of the MAC address for the wireless unit. Use alphanumeric characters
only. The system does not accept special characters such as (–), (/), (\), (#), (:), (;),
(@), (space). Domain names are not supported for device names.
3 Select option 2—Channel 2 configuration, and set the following options:
Baud rate = 19200
I/F (Interface) mode = 4C (RS-232, 8 Bit, No Parity, 1 Stop Bit)
Flow control = 00 (no flow)
Enter the port number (10002 is default for wireless unit)
ConnectMode option = C1
(for version 2 only of wireless unit) Send ‘+++’ in Modem Mode = N
(for version 2 only of wireless unit) Show IP addr after ‘RING’ = N
Auto increment source port = N
Network Class Host Bits Netmask
A 24
B 16
C 8
Network Class Host Bits Netmask
A 24
B 16
C 8 Page 18 Tuesday, December 11, 2007 11:25 AM