User's Manual

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Network Page
Wireless Print Solutions Adapter
User Guide
To Create a Profile
1. To create a WLAN profile, on the Network page, select WLAN Profiles.
2. For Add a new Profile, type the name for the profile. This profile is unique to this wireless device.
3. Click Submit.
The profile appears in the WLAN Profiles list. The profile is enabled by default.
To Configure WLAN Profile Settings
1. On the Network page, select WLAN Profiles.
2. For WLAN Profiles, click the profile that you want to edit.
3. To update the network name, for Network Name (SSID), type a new network name.
Note: This name is the name of the network that you wish to attach to. If you do not know the
network name (SSID), consult your network administrator.
4. For State, select Enabled.
5. For Suite, from the menu, select a security suite.
–For WEP, see
To configure WEP Settings on page 25.
For WPA or WPA2/IEEE 802.11i, see
To Configure WPA or WPA2 Settings on page 26.
To Configure WLAN Security Settings
To Configure an Open Network
To select no security settings, for Suite, select None, then click Apply.
To configure WEP Settings
WEP security is available in Infrastructure mode. WEP is a simple and efficient security mode, encrypting
the data using the RC4 algorithm. However, WEP has become more vulnerable due to advances in hacking
technology. Common equipment can find WEP keys in minutes. For stronger security, use WPA, or the
stronger WPA2, with AES (CCMP).
1. For Suite, select WEP.
2. For Authentication, select an option.
Shared: Encryption keys of both parties are compared as a form of authentication. If mismatches
occur, no connection establishes.
Open: A connection establishes without first checking for matching encryption keys. If keys do
not match, however, data becomes garbled and prevents connectivity on the IP level.
3. For Key Type, select an option.
If you select Passphrase, for Key Size, select 40 bits or 104 bits, then for Passphrase, type an
alphanumeric phrase up to 63 characters in length. Spaces and special characters are allowed.
–If you select Hex, for Key Size, select 40 bits or 104 bits, then for TX Key Index, select a key index
value from 1 through 4.
Note: For interoperability with some products that generate four identical keys from a passphrase, this
index must be one.