Use Instructions

General Information
Position the device in such a way that it is easy to operate and switch off.
The indicated drying time depends on several variables, including the following:
Altitude, humidity, type of packaging, preconditioning, size of chamber, mass of
load, and placement in chamber. Users must verify that the drying time set in
their autoclave yields dry surgical equipment when using the method of saturat-
ed steam sterilization described here.
The day tube must be replaced at the end of the day of surgery but not later than
after 24 hrs.
Full suction containers must be replaced immediately without stopping surgery.
The full suction output/volume is available only, if the suction system is pre-
evacuated (vacuum generation). Pre-evacuation takes about 20 to 60 seconds
depending on the volume of the secretion container.
The suction system has a leak if the vacuum pump does not stop. Check the suc-
tion system for leaks and repeat function test. Do not use device, if vacuum
pump is not operating or not operating correctly.
Peripheral devices
Additional peripheral equipment connected to interfaces of the medical monitor
has to meet the requirements of the following specifications in the respective
current valid version: IEC 60601-2-18 / EN 60601-2-18 for endoscopic devices
and IEC 60601-1 / EN 60601-1 for electrical medical devices. All configurations
have to comply with IEC 60601-1 / EN 60601-1 specifications. Whoever connects
additional equipment to signal output or signal input is considered the system
configurator and as such is responsible for complying with requirements of the
standard IEC 60601-1 / EN 60601-1.
ME Device in Rack
The ME device may not be used when stacked or stored directly adjacent to or
with other devices. If it should be necessary to operate the device close to
stacked with other devices, the ME device or ME system should be monitored to
ensure it works properly as configured.