Use Instructions

15 Glossary
Term Explanation
Day Patient Tube Set
The day patient set is a tube set for arthroscopy and
hysteroscopy and consists of a day and patient
tube. While the patient tube must be replaced for
each surgery, the day tube can remain connected to
the device for up to 24 hours.
EMC The electromagnetic compatibility describes the
ability of a device to function satisfactorily within
an electromagnetic environment without adding
unacceptable electromagnetic interferences/dis-
turbances to the environment that may cause prob-
lems for other devices or equipment located
ME Device Medical electrical device used for therapy, monitor-
ing or diagnosis of patients, equipped with no more
than one connection to a supply network and which
necessarily comes into physical or electrical contact
with the patient or which transfers energy to or
from the patient or which records or captures such
energy transfer to or from the patient.
ME system Medical electrical system consisting of a combina-
tion of devices, of which at least one is classified as
a medical electrical device and specified by the
manufacturer as such and which are joined
together by a functional connection or by using a
power strip.
HF surgery High-frequency surgery uses high-frequency alter-
nating current conducted through the human body
to cut tissue or achieve coagulation.
Functional Test The function test must be carried out before each
surgery to ensure the respective device is fully func-
Safety test The safety test is part of the annual inspection.
Basic Function Test The basic function test checks the basic function of
the device and is part of the annual inspection.