
PUB13-01 Rev 0 Mar 4, 2013 11
Spectrum Analyzer HP 8558B or similar.
UHF Two-Way Splitter.
1. Adjust R504 to get a minimum voltage at TP502. Check the voltage V
U502–2, U502–3.
It should be no more than
2. Adjust R573 to get a minimum voltage at TP508. Check the voltage V
U510-2, U510–3.
It should be no more than
3. Adjust R534 to get a minimum voltage at TP503. Check the voltage V
U503-5, U503-6.
It should be no more than
4. Apply staircase modulated RF signal 23dBm from upconverter to J18. The signal should include aural
carrier 10dB lower than visual sync peak. Check level on the spectrum analyzer. Make sure to set spectrum
analyzer resolution RBW to 300kHz to see sync peak level. Using an oscilloscope, check that there are
positive 12V pulses at TP507.
5. Adjust R551 for maximum voltage at TP505.
6. Adjust R559 for 7 ± 0.5V at TP504.
7. Adjust R551 for 4V at TP505.
8. Check DC voltage at TP502. It should be within 4.5V to 9.5V.
9. Turn off the Aural carrier.
10. Adjust R518 for 4V at TP501.
11. Turn on the Aural carrier.
12. Adjust R542 for 4V at TP501.
13. Repeat steps 9-12 until the voltage at TP501 stays the same with and without the Aural carrier.
14. Apply staircase modulated RF signal 13dBm from upconverter to J19. Signal should include aural carrier
10dB lower than visual sync peak. Check level on the spectrum analyzer. Make sure to set spectrum
analyzer resolution RBW to 300kHz to see sync peak level. Using an oscilloscope, check that there are
positive 12V pulses at TP509.
15. Check DC voltage at TP508. V
should be within 4.5V to 9.5V.
16. Adjust R579 for 4V at TP506 with the aural carrier on.