User Manual

PUB12-030 Rev. 1 Feb 14, 2013 12-030-14 Amplifier Controller Board Rev.5
7. Reconnect the cable from the monitor port to the reflected power sample at J13.
8. Remove the jumper from E17 and the transmitter should trip three times and lock out on the fourth trip.
9. The setup is now complete: remove the monitor cable from J13 and attach the output coupler back to
10. Clear the VSWR lockout and trip condition by either pressing the front panel reset button or issuing a
remote reset command.
To set up the power supply voltage and current reading, the operator must view the readings on the P/S submenu
on LCD display.
1. To set up the voltage reading, turn on the transmitter and verify that the power supply is indeed running.
2. With a voltmeter, measure the voltage on the power supply directly.
3. Adjust potentiometer R14 on the MXi amplifier control board until the displayed voltage equals that being
measure by the voltmeter.
4. To set up the current reading, the power supply should be ON as in the above paragraph and enough RF
drive (at least 50%) should be applied to get a reasonable current level for calibration.
5. With a clamp on Ampmeter, measure the current on the main feed coming from the power supply.
6. Adjust potentiometer R15 until the displayed current agrees with that measured on the clamp on meter.
If an external power supply is used that has its own current telemetry sensing, it may have its own setup as well.
The current reading on the LCD will still be affected by R15 but the external supply may require its own
calibration, if the level it sends to the MXi is too low or high. A good level would be in the range of 2-4 volts for full
scale current.