User Manual

PUB06-82 Rev 1 July 17, 2007 06-82-7 MXi Amplifier Controller Board Rev.2 Jumper E19– Peak or Sync Detection
This jumper allows the forward power sample to be either a Peak detection or Back Porch detection using the
visual sync. The optional Aural detection piggyback board must be installed to provide the sync detection facility.
For most applications (including all of the digital modulation standards), jumper E19 would be set for peak (Pk)
since there is no vertical sync interval that can be locked onto for these signals. The only application where E19 is
set to the Sync position is when the optional Aural Detection board is installed and Back Porch detection for the
Forward power sample is desired. The purpose of using Back Porch detection is to regulate the output power
more precisely, independent of APL level. This jumper is set by the factory and should not be changed in the field.
The MXi has a very simple set of front panel controls and indications that consists of three primary sections.
The ON/OFF pushbutton can be set up to turn the transmitter ON or OFF for local control. This button is an
alternate action device that, once pressed, remains in the ON state (pressed in). If the operator presses the
button a second time, it releases into the OFF state. The function of this button can be set up for a variety of
operations depending on how the circuit board jumpers are configured. A brief description of the possible
configurations follows.
2.3.1 Default/Normal E5= Ext E7=Out
Allows the MXi CPU to directly control all local and remote ON/OFF commands. The front panel ON/OFF
command will only operate when the system is in local and the remote commands will only operate when the
system is in remote.
2.3.2 Manual Override E5= Int E7=Out
Forces the MXi circuitry to always respond to the front panel ON/OFF commands. The front panel ON/OFF
command is always active, so if it is left in the ON position, it will not be possible to shut OFF the transmitter
remotely with the ON/OFF command. However, a remote opening of the EXT1 interlock will shut down the
transmitter at all times. For proper remote operation in this condition, the operator must place the front panel
ON/OFF switch in the OFF position before leaving the site. This allows the remote command to operate normally.
2.3.3 Remote Override E5= Ext E7=In
Forces the MXi circuitry to always respond to the remote ON command. The transmitter remains ON as long as
the remote ON command is asserted. In this mode the remote command will always be active even if the system
has been placed in LOCAL mode. The front panel ON/OFF command will not be able to shut OFF the transmitter
while the remote ON/OFF command is asserted.
This is clearly an emergency type configuration and should not be used for normal operations. For proper front
panel operation in this condition, the operator must remove the remote ON/OFF command or disconnect the
remote connector to achieve local controls again.
2.3.4 Manual and Remote Override E5= Int E7=In
This enables the overrides on both the remote and local ON/OFF commands. The MXi circuitry will turn the
transmitter ON if either the Front Panel or the Remote ON command is present. These functions are independent
of the transmitters REMOTE or LOCAL mode. This is clearly an emergency type configuration and should not be
used for normal operations.
The green front panel LED (DS5 on the MXi board) beside the ON/OFF pushbutton indicates the current ON/OFF
state of the transmitter. This LED follows the condition of the ON/OFF relay K1 and is not affected by the source
of the ON/OFF command.
A second momentary front panel pushbutton is provided to reset any VSWR trips or lockout conditions. When a
VSWR Lockout has occurred, the transmitter is shut down. The operator must find the source of the VSWR and,
when repaired, this reset button will clear the lockout and the transmitter will automatically turn ON again. Note