Users Manual

Stream: Set up network stream, including main flow and minor flow.
Door: Choose door number, door 1, door 2, Cam1 or Cam2.
Image: Set up the size of view image. Options include Fit size and Src size.
Number of connected users: Show number of connected users on mobile phone or IE(PC).
Mobile phone: 0” means no user connected via mobile phone.
“IE(PC): 1means one user connected via IE on PC.
5.2 Media
ClickMedia” to enter the media parameter setting menu. This interface includes settings for
Video and OSD.
Click “Media—Video” to access the interface as follows. And user can set up parameters of main
stream, and mobile stream.
A. Video—Main Stream
1) Resolution: For the resolution of main stream, the value is displayed according to the menu
optionMode->Video mode” on the monitor side. IfVideo mode” is set up to CVBS, the main
resolution is 704*576(D1); if “Video mode” is set to AHD-720P, the main resolution is
1280*720(720P); if “Video mode” is set toAHD-1080P”, the main resolution is
1920*1080(1080P). The bigger the resolution is, the clearer the image will be. On the other
hand the bit rate is bigger and takes more bandwidth.
2) Bit Rate: User can choose a certain bit rate, generally speaking, the bigger the bit rate is,
the clearer the image will be. Please choose the suitable bit rate according to your bandwidth.
If you select a big bit rate, while the bandwidth is worse, it will cause the video stream can't be
transferred smoothly, the video quality will be not perfect too.
5.2.1 Media--Video
: Adjust brightness of image. Values can be set from 0~100.By default, the
value is set at 80.
: Adjust contrast of image. Values can be set from 0~100.By default, the value
is set at 80.
: Adjust saturation of image. Values can be set from 0~100.By default, the
value is set at 80.
Powerfreq (Power Line Frequency): Options include 50HZ and 60HZ. If the monitoring site
adopting lighting elimination, user should set a corresponding frequency. If the two frequencies
are different, the image will flick. There are two frequencies on the world, one is 50HZ, and the
other is 60HZ. In China, adopt 50HZ.
Click “ ” to refresh the settings of the Image, and click “ ” to restore the parameters of
the image to the default settings.
ClickMedia—OSD” to access the interface as follows. OSD options include “Name”.
Name: Users can modify the name of the indoor unit. Note that the name of the device must
not exceed twelve arabic numbers, letters or twelve Chinese characters.
5.3 Parameters
ClickMedia” to enter the parameters setting menu. This interface includes settings for
Network (Basic Settings, DDNS, E-mail and Wifi) and Event(Motion Detect and Record).
5.2.2 Media--OSD
suggest reducing the value. Generally, the video is fluency if the value is more 15 frames.
The value is 30 frames for NTSC norm and is 25 frames for PAL norm.
4) Bit Rate Type: There are three modes for bit rate control, CBR, VBR and FixQp. If user
choose CBR mode, the video encoder will encode according to the bit rate you have selected.
If user choose VBR mode, the video encoder will consider to the image quality and encode
according to the bit rated have been selected, but not strictly according to this bit rate.
Suggest VBR mode.
5Audio: Options include “On” and “Off.
1)Resolution: The resolution of mobile stream is 320*240(QVGA).
2)Quality: The image quality of the outdoor camera for remote access viewing via mobile
phone. And there are five options: “Very High”, “High”, “Normal, “Low” and “Very Low. The
better the image quality is, the bigger the bit rate and the frame rate of the outdoor camera
are. Please choose the suitable quality according to your bandwidth.
3) Maximum Frame: User can choose a certain frame rate, when the bandwidth is limited,
B. Video—Mobile Stream
5.3.1 Network--Basic Settings
Click “Parameters—Network—Basic Settings” to enter the LAN Settings interface. Default IP
type of the equipment is DHCP. The user can set up device network parameters through the
operation “Quick Setting Guide”, user can change it according to your network environment.