User manual

Layout-Light-Control Light-DEC – Manual
- 9 -
With the keys ABOVE or BELOW you can switch-
over between >Deutsch< and >English<.
Leave the language selection with the key LEFT
for using now the selected language.
If you would have selected >Deutsch< the display
would show now:
5.1. Register external push-buttons or switches
Depress within the main menu several times
shortly the key BELOW until the display shows:
To register the used external push buttons or
switches depress again the key RIGHT. The
Display shows the actual setting for the input 1:
With the keys ABOVE or BELOW you can select
one of the 8 inputs. The actual setting (switch or
push button) will be indicated matched to the
input (e.g. input 7):
Ex factory are all 8 inputs set for push buttons.
General: values between a bigger- and smaller sign (> <) can be edited with the
keys ABOVE or BELOW step-wise with single keystrokes.
Is the value range for the selection of a very large value (e.g. for a time selection)
will be the editing value indicated with curly braces (} {). If the keys ABOVE or
BELOW will be activated for a longer duration as 2 seconds the adjustable values
at the display will keep running until the key will be released.
If you want to change the setting of an input you have at first to select via ABOVE or
BELOW the number of the input (e.g. position 3).
Activate now the key RIGHT for editing the
setting. The previous setting of push button will
now be shown between a bigger- and smaller
Now you can select with the keys ABOVE or
BELOW either >push button< or >switch<.
Leave now the selection with the key LEFT for the
use of the indicated setting. If you have selected
for the input 3 a switch the display will show now:
---Main Menu----
Button / Switch
>1< = Button
Button / Switch
>7< = Switch
Button / Switch
3 = > Button <
Button / Switch
3 = > Switch <
Button / Switch
>3< = Switch