User manual

Layout-Light-Control Light-DEC Manual
- 11 -
5.3. Light source test
With the light source test can be the light sources of all single Light-Module
outputs tested.
Depress at first the key RIGHT longer than three seconds. The display changes
into the Main Menu and all light sources will be switched off.
Depress now within Main Menu several times
shortly the key BELOW until the display shows:
Open the light source test with the key RIGHT:
With the keys ABOVE or BELOW can be the
Light-Module selected for the light source test of
the relative outputs (e.g. Light-Module 2):
With the key RIGHT will be the light source test
for the selected Light-Module started. At the
upper line will be the number of the selected
Light-Module and the module type indicated.
LDM indicates a Light-Display-Module. If a light source has been connected to
output 1 this light source will glow constantly. All other light sources also those
connected to further Light-Modules will remain switched off.
With the keys ABOVE or BELOW can be the
output with the connected light source selected.
After testing all light sources of a Light-Module
you have to activate the key LEFT for eventually
selecting one further Light-Module for the light
source test.
If you want to leave the light source test you have
to activate again the key LEFT. The display
shows now the Main Menu.
From here you can proceed with the key LEFT to
the operation mode which will be indicated after a
short delay at the display of the Basic-Module:
6. Adjusting start time for day-sequence of the light control
At the bottom left of the operation display will be the actual daytime of the light
control indicated. The starting time has been set ex-factory for the running day to
22:30 hours (10:30pm). Via the menu-step start options can be the starting time
changed for the running day of the Light control Light DEC.
At first depress the key RIGHT longer than three seconds. The display changes
into the Main Menu and all light sources will be switched off.
---Main Menu----
Lightsource test
Lightsource test
Light-Module: >1<
Lightsource test
Light-Module: >2<
Module: 2 = LDM
Output : > 1<
Module: 2 = LDM
Output: >22<
Lightsource test
Modul: >
Light-DEC VX.X
22:30:00 A 300
---Main Menu----
Lightsource test