User manual

Layout Light Control Light-DEC Technical Manual
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Light function Description Adjustment Outputs
Advert. sign1 to 8
8 different effects for advertising signs, shops or for a fun-fair. The speed can
Radio tower Creates flash effects as for radio- and TV-towers or other high buildings. With
one time short flashing and following a longer pause.
Creates flash effect as for chimneys and wind mills with dual short flash and
following with a longer pause.
Welding light Randomized flickering of a welding light. The duration of a welding process with
irregular flickering and subsequent pause will be new determined for each
sequence by random.
Welding time
Break time
Camera flash Randomized camera flash. The pause length after every camera flash will be
new determined at random within the adjusted pause timing.
Break time 1
Police light
For emergency vehicles. On each start each light with flash duration at random
and simulated motor drives of different speed.
Fire Simulation of open fire by creating irregular flickering.
Traffic light
Creates all phases of a pedestrian traffic light with three-color traffic lights and
two-color pedestrian light with adjustable phase-timing. With the output function
can be the night function adjusted: “YELLOW flashing” and individual ON or OFF
switching. For the traffic light can be the direct switch from “RED” to “GREEN”
and for the pedestrian light the switching to “GREEN flashing” collective adjusted
at the menu traffic light (Traf. l. opt.) for all traffic light control.
Pedestrian RED
Pedestrian GREEN
Street GREEN
YELLOW flashing (individual)
RED to GREEN (collective)
GREEN flashing (collective)
Traffic light cross-
Creates all phases of pedestrian and traffic lights for cross roads and T-junctions
with adjustable phase-timing. With the output function can be the night function
adjusted: “YELLOW flashing” and individual ON or OFF switching. For the traffic
light can be the direct switch from “RED” to “GREEN” and for the pedestrian light
the switching to “GREEN flashing” collective adjusted at the menu traffic light
(Traf. l. opt.) for all traffic light control.
Pedestrian RED (Main street)
Pedestrian GREEN (Main street)
Pedestrian RED (Sub street)
Pedestrian GREEN (Sub street)
GELB flashing (individual)
RED to GREEN (collective)
GREEN flashing (collective)
Car flash light Creates typical flash frequencies of the direction indicator at motor cars. Little
variances of flash frequencies after each start.
Construction 5 Suitable for running lights at construction works. Very short activation time for
simulating flash lamps. After each sequence comes a short pause.
Flash time
Break time
Construction 8 Suitable for running lights at construction works. Very short activation time for
simulating flash lamps. After each sequence comes a short pause.
Flash time
Break time
ON / OFF Switching instantly ON or OFF. Suitable for functional models such as windmills,
mills, motors, foreign light modules, smoke generators.