User manual

Layout-Light-Control Light-DEC Manual
- 17 -
After completing all adjustments at the switch
groups you have to depress several times the key
LEFT until after a warm start the operation mode
will be displayed after a short time:
9. Available light functions
The Light-DEC provides 44 light functions, which can be as well assigned several
times to the outputs of the Light-Module.
A Description of the available light functions” can be found within the technical
Manual at the relevant chapter.
At the above chapter you can find the description about how many outputs of a
Light-Module will be required by each light function.
The description indicates as well which parameter of a light-function can be
individually adapted. The possibilities of the adaption will be described within the
next chapter.
10. Light adjustment: individually matching of parameters of
light functions
At the chapter Description of the available light functions” at the Technical
Manual is described if parameters can be individually adapted to a particular light
The Technical Manual describes as well with the table “Light options: Parameter of
Light functions, which can be individually matched”. Changed parameters for a
light function are listed at the columnAdjustment”.
The columnFactory setting” indicates the predefined values and at the column
Own setting” you can enter your individual values.
The possible range of values and the possible steps for changing the parameters
are listed at the columnSetting range”.
Via the menu step Light options can be the defined parameters of the light-
function individually changed.
At first depress the key RIGHT longer than three seconds. The display will change
into the Main Menu and all light sources will be switched off.
Depress at the Main Menu the key BELOW
shortly several times until the menu-step Light
options will be indicated:
Open now the menu Light options with the key
RIGHT. As first Light option will be always Neon
light indicated:
Light-DEC VX.X
23:30:00 A 300
---Main Menu----
Light options
Light options
>Neon light<