User's Manual Part 1

Cases where free repair is not guaranteed:
Abuse, accident, misuse, improper storage, exposure to liquid, moisture, or dampness;
External causes such as from collision, fire, flooding, sand, dirt, windstorm, lightning, or
Exposure to extreme weather condions, Acts of God, the, blown fuse, electrical surge,
or improper use of any electrical source;
Computer or internet viruses, bugs, worms, Trojan Horses, cancelbots;
Use with non-Letv USA products or products not recommended for use with Letv USA
Normal wear and tear of the equipment;
Usage of Product other than its normal and customary manner;
Improper tesng, operaon, maintenance, installaon, or any alteraon or modificaon
of Product;
Consumable parts, such as baeries, unless damage has occurred due to a defect in Letv
USA materials and workmanship;
Service performed by anyone who is not a Letv representave or an authorized Letv
service provider;
Other acts which are not the fault of Letv including damage caused by shipping;
Cosmec damages, including but not limited to dents or scratches in decorave,
structural, or non-operave parts resulng from normal customer use;
Spillage of food or liquid, corrosion, rust or incorrect voltage; and
The defecve funcon of the cellular system or inadequate signal recepon by the
external antenna, or viruses or other soware problems introduced into the Product.
The Product cannot be refunded or replaced in any of the following
1.Any commodies not sold by Letv (wrong serial number);
2.The Product is damaged due to unauthorized repair, misuse, negligence, abuse, accident,
modificaon, improper installaon, or improper use;
3.Purchaser cannot provide the valid purchase receipt of the Product, or the receipt provided
doesn’t match the Product or is obliterated;
4.Pseudo-faults or affected performance aributable to Purchaser’s seng of use, where the
Product is determined to be free from any faults;
5.Other situaons where replacement and refund are not supported by laws.
Repairer shall be obligated to:
Letv will provide replacement or refund for the Super TV in accordance with the laws of the
United States:
1. 30-day refund without reasons: Purchaser is entled to a 30-day refund for any reason by
returning the Product purchased from LeMall, as received (including packaging and all
accessories), within 30 days starng from the next day aer receipt of the Product. Letv will bear
the corresponding shipping cost incurred for refund and replacement.
2. Refund within the warranty period: For any material malfuncon of the Product confirmed
through tesng by Letv or an authorized service provider within 30 days starng from the next
day aer receipt of the Product, Purchaser has the opon of having the Product refunded at the
purchase price. In case of refund, please provide the original packaging, accessories, users
manual and warranty card, and Letv will bear the corresponding shipping cost.
3. Replacement within the warranty period: In the event of any funconal fault of the Product
within 30 days starng from the next day aer receipt of the Product, subject to the confirmaon
by Letv or an authorized service provider through tesng, Purchaser has the opon of having the
Product repaired or replaced with a new product of the same model and specificaons, and Letv
will bear the corresponding shipping cost.
Refund or
Refund 30 days
Time Limit Descripon
Except for the above-menoned two reasons, if
Purchaser requests a refund, s/he shall ensure
that the Product is returned in its original
condions and packaging with all accessories
and accompanying documents.
The first day
starng from the
next day aer
Letv will bear the
shipping cost
incurred for
refund and
Funconal faults or quality defects as defined in
applicable laws and regulaons (as determined
by aer-sales personnel with corresponding
evaluaon reports)
The first day
starng from the
next day aer
Free service
Shipping damages, missing of parts,
inconsistence between the Product and its
online descripon, and other issues aributable
to Letv USA (shipping damages refer to
damages, leakage of liquid, breakizng or
funconal faults that are caused during
shipment subject to verificaon by Letv USA.
Missing of parts refers to absence of original
parts of the Product).
The first day
starng from the
next day aer
Free service
30 daysReplacement
Funconal faults or quality defects as defined in
applicable laws and regulaons (as determined
by aer-sales personnel with corresponding
evaluaon reports)
The first day
starng from the
next day aer
Free service
Service Type