User's Manual Part 1

End User License Agreement for Software
IMPORTANT. READ CAREFULLY: This End User License Agreement (“EULA”) is a legal
agreement between you (either an individual or a single enty) and Letv USA (“Letv”)
for soware, whether pre-installed or downloaded, owned by Letv and its affiliated
companies and its third party suppliers and licensors, that accompanies this EULA,
which includes computer soware and may include associated media, content and
data, printed materials, or electronic documentaon in connecon with your use of
Letv Device, which will be defined below(“Letv Soware”). By using this device or any
other Letv product running on Android operang system (“Letv Device”), you accept
terms of this EULA. If you do not accept these terms, do not use the Letv Device or
the Letv Soware.
Letv grants you a limited non-exclusive license to install, use, access, display and run one copy of
the Letv Soware on a single Letv Device, local hard disk(s) or other permanent storage media of
one computer, and you may not make Letv Soware available over a network where it could be
used by mulple computers at the same me. You may make one copy of the Letv Soware in
machine readable form for backup purposes only; provided that the backup copy must include
all copyright or other proprietary noces contained on the original. Certain items of the Letv
Soware may be subject to open source licenses. The open source license provisions may
override some of the terms of this EULA. We make the applicable open source licenses available
to you if you so request.
Letv reserves all rights not expressly granted to you in this EULA. The Soware is protected by
copyright and other intellectual property laws and treaes. Letv or its suppliers own the tle,
copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Soware. The Soware is licensed, not
You may not, or enable others to, copy, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise
aempt to discover the source code or algorithms of, the Soware (except and only to the
extent that such acvity is expressly permied by applicable law not withstanding this limitaon),
or modify, or disable any features of, the Soware, or create derivave works based on the
Soware. You may not rent, lease, lend, sublicense or provide commercial hosng services with
the Soware. You may not transfer this EULA or the rights to the Letv Soware granted herein to
any third party unless it is in connecon with the sale of the device which the Letv Soware
accompanied. In such event, the transfer must include all of the Letv Soware (including all
component parts, the media and printed materials, any upgrades, this EULA) and you may not
retain any copies of the Letv Soware. The transfer may not be an indirect transfer, such as a
consignment. Prior to the transfer, the end user receiving the Letv Soware must agree to all the
EULA terms.
Letv may make available to you updates, upgrades, supplements and add on components (if any)
of the Letv Soware, including bug fixes, service upgrades (parts or whole), and updates,
enhancements and feature improvements or deleon to any Letv Soware (including enrely
new versions), (collecvely “Update”) aer the date you obtain your inial copy of the Letv
Soware. This EULA applies to all and any component of the Update, unless we provide other
terms along with such Update. To use Letv Soware provided through Update, you must first be
licensed for the Letv Soware idenfied by Letv as eligible for the Update. While the Update will
be generally available, in some limited circumstances, the Letv Soware updates will only be
offered by your network carrier, and such Letv Soware updates will be governed by your
contractual relaonship with your network carrier. With the Automac Update” funcon
enabled (as in the default seng in the System Update menu in the Seng), your device
downloads certain Updates automacally from me to me. If you have chosen to disable the
Automac Update” funcon, then you can check the availability of new Updates by clicking on
the “Check Update” menu in the Seng. Given the importance of receiving Updates for security
soware in a mely manner to defend against new threats, however, security-related Updates
may be automacally downloaded and installed without your consent, even if you have disabled
the “Automac Update” funcon. We recommend that you check availability of any new Updates
periodically for opmal use of your device.