User's Manual

The Call Log contains three types of information: Missed Calls,
Received Calls, and Dialed Calls.
“Missed Calls”: stores information about incoming calls that have
been missed (unanswered).
“Received Calls”: stores information about incoming answered calls.
“Dialed Calls”: stores information about dialed calls.
The kind of information in all three logs is the same, and the three logs
can be displayed together or separately. The default is to displayed all
logs together. To view a specific type of call log, follow the steps
1. Tap on the “Options” icon.
2. A sub-menu will appear. Tap on
the type of call log you would
like to see.
3. Tap on each call log and its
contents are displayed.
To return to the Call Log menu,
tap on the “Back” icon.