User's Manual

IFBR1a, IFBR1a/E01, IFBR1a/E02
Adding New Pre-Set Frequencies
1. Power on while holding down the knob, continuing
to hold the knob for 3 seconds, until the led starts
blinking rapidly.
2. Press the knob to navigate to the desired channel,
1 to 10 (1 push for channel 1, 2 pushes for channel
2, etc.).
Note: If you accidentally pass the desired channel,
an extra press from channel 10 wraps back to
channel 1 again.
3. Once the desired frequency has been selected, use
the hex switches to select the channel. (At least 1
hex switch must be moved.)
4. Press and hold the knob for 3 seconds to store the
frequency into the channel.
Clearing Pre-Set Frequencies
1. Power on while holding down the knob, continuing
to hold the knob for 3 seconds, until the led starts
blinking rapidly.
2. Press the knob to navigate to the desired channel,
1 to 10 (1 push for channel 1, 2 pushes for channel
2, etc.).
Note: If you accidentally pass the desired channel,
an extra press from channel 10 wraps back to
channel 1 again.
3. Press and hold the knob for 3 seconds to delete the
pre-set frequency.
Note: This is the same process used to add a new
frequency except you are not adjusting the hex
switches. Adjusting the hex switches will set a new
pre-set frequency.
To simultaneously erase all 10 channels, you must be
in Scan Mode and perform the “erase all” function (see
page 7).
Advanced Operation
Direct Entry Mode
This mode takes away the scan capability and replaces
it with the ability to program frequency channels into
memory (pre-sets) directly via the knob and hex switch-
es. In Direct Entry Mode, 5 additional channel pre-sets
are available, for a total of 10.
Selecting the Mode
To choose and/or switch between frequency pre-set
modes, follow the instructions below:
Direct Entry Mode Scan Mode
Turn the unit on Turn the unit on
Set hex switches to “FF” Set hex switches to “FF”
Power cycle Power cycle
Set hex switches to 22 Set hex switches to “11
Power cycle Power cycle
Set hex switches to “00” Set hex switches to “00”
Power cycle Power cycle
Note: “Power cycle” means to briefly turn the unit
off then on again. This must be done quickly to
work correctly.
When the receiver powers back on, count the bursts of
rapid LED blinks; two bursts = Direct Entry Mode, one
burst = Scan Mode.
Operation in Direct Entry Mode
Direct Entry Mode works the same as Scan Mode
except there are 10 pre-set channel options instead of
5. Each of the 10 channels can be individually pro-
grammed or cleared, at any time, in any order.
Note: The first 5 pre-sets are shared with Scan
Mode, so it is possible to switch to Direct Entry
Mode to program the pre-sets and then switch
back to Scan Mode, if desired.