User Manual

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Table 27: Read input register messages
Detection status for polling mode:
0 = Detections not ready
1 = Detections ready: this status flag is reset to 0 after reading this
Number of segments (N)
Number of detections
Current percentage of light source power
Bit field of acquisition status: Reserved
Low 16 bits of timestamp (number of milliseconds since the module was
High 16 bits of timestamp
16 to
16 + N-1
Distance of first detection for each segment, zero if no detection in a
segment. The distance unit is defined by the serial port parameters.
16 + N to
16 + (2*N) - 1
Amplitude of first detection for each segment times 64 (that is,
amplitude = this register/64), zero if no detection in a segment
16 + (2*N) to
16 + (3*N) - 1
Flag of the first detection for each segment:
Bit 0: Detection is valid (will always be set)
Bit 1: Detection is the result of object demerging
Bit 2: Reserved
Bit 3: Detection is saturated
Bit 4: Reserved
Bit 5: Reserved
Bit 6: Detection is within the crosstalk zone
Bit 7: Reserved
16 + (3*N) to
16 + (4*N) - 1
Distance of the second detection for each segment
16 + (4*N) to
16 + (5*N) - 1
Amplitude of the second detection for each segment
16 + (5*N) to
16 + (6*N) - 1
Flag of the second detection for each segment
16 + (6*N) to
16 + (7*N) - 1
Distance of the third detection
16 + (7*N) to
16 + (8*N) - 1
Amplitude of the third detection
16 + (8*N) to
16 + (9*N) - 1
Flag of the third detection