User Manual

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LeddarVu User Guide Page 82 of 129
1874 (0x752) (Tx base ID + 2)
These are the detection messages with flag information, which contains one detection presented
in the following format:
Data bytes 0 and 1 contain the distance in units defined by the distance-units holding data.
Data bytes 2 and 3 contain the amplitude. This value must be divided by 64 to get the
amplitude (that is, 6 bits for fractional part).
Data bytes 4 and 5 contain the flag information as described in the table below.
Bytes 6 and 7 contain the segment number.
Table 68: Flag information about measurements
Bit 0
The detection is valid (always set).
Bit 1
The detection is the result of object demerging.
Bit 2
Bit 3
The detection is saturated.
Bit 4-5
Bit 6
The detection within the crosstalk zone
Bit 7-15
Detection messages can be sent in two modes: as a single message ID or a multiple message ID.
For the single message ID mode, all detection messages are sequentially sent on the same
message ID; that is, 1874 (0x752).
For the multiple message ID mode, detections are send on a message IDs ranging from 1874
through the number of detections (1874 + number of detections). The range of message IDs can
be limited by the maximum number of detections to output to the CAN port (defined in CAN
configuration 3 holding data for a maximum configurable of 96 detections).
The following are examples of message IDs for the 1874 base (with a 19-detection frame):
From 1874 through 1893.
From 1874 through 1890, for a module setup with a maximum of 16 number of detections.
For an example of a LeddarVu Can Bus, refer to Appendix C.