Product Brochure

Frequency response 12 Hz – 20000 Hz +/- 1 dB at 4 ohms
Gain 20 dB
Max. power 20 W per channel at 4 ohms
Outer dimensions
W x D x H
110 mm x 280 mm x 44 mm
Weight 1.9 kg
Tech Info
Version: July 2014. Subject to change without prior notice.
With our mounting kit your Stamp
mounts quite easily and incon-
spicuously on furniture and walls.
The Stamp I can recommend wholeheartedly. As long as you are realis-
tic with room/speaker matching it offers true hi-fi sound.
Lastly it’s one of those components that I‘d recommend blind to some-
one because it‘s not fussy in use and seems to have a benign rather 
than difficult character.
TNT Audio/09 2007
Press Commentaries