
Instructions for Use V 2.9 RevC, English – 12/2013
7. Preparations for Tissue Processing
7.2 Filling the wax baths
Fig. 21
• Useascrewdrivertoturnthesettingscrew
(1) to the desired value.
If you find that the paraffin does not melt com-
pletely after lowering the working temperature,
slightly readjust again.
Altering the standard working temperature
The heated wax baths may only be used with paraffin. Under no
circumstances may they be filled with solvents. When solvents
heat, a highly explosive mixture builds up!
Caution! The interior containers of the wax baths become very hot
when the heating function is activated! Do not touch the gray upper
rim of the containers with your hands! Burn hazard!
Caution when handling hot paraffin! Burn hazard!
Factory-set standard working temperature is 65 °C (70 °C on the spe-
cial wax bath model that is resistant to chloroform). When working
with paraffin that has a melting point below 58 °C, the instrument
working temperature can be readjusted with the corresponding
setting screw.