User Manual

Recording mode
The Leica S offers three different exposure metering methods.
Setting the function
1. In the menu under CAMERA, select the item Exp. Metering, and
2. select the desired option in the sub-menu
Spot metering -
Only the middle of the image field is scanned and evaluated for spot
metering. This area is indicated by the circle
in the center of the matt
screen. In Live View mode, spot metering is linked to the autofocus
metering, i.e. moving the AF metering point also affects the spot meter-
ing field.
Center weighted metering -
This metering method takes account of the entire image field, although
the parts of the subject in the center have more influence on the expo-
sure than the areas at the margins.
Multi-field metering -
This metering method is based on detection of five metered values. One
is metered in a field in the middle of the image, the other four in the
surrounding fields. The five metered values are used in an algorithm to
calculate an exposure value appropriate to the situation, resulting in
correct reproduction of the assumed main subject.
The circle does not exist in all matt screen variants.
The four exposure modes automatic program (
P), aperture priority (A),
shutter speed priority (
T) and manual exposure control (M) are selected
on the Leica S with the rear thumbwheel:
Setting the operating mode
1. Hold the thumbwheel depressed (≥1s)
In the top panel display, the large letter indicating the set operat-
ing mode replaces the normal display. Triangles to the left and
right indicate the further settings.
2. Turn the thumbwheel (all four operating modes can be reached in
both directions)
The normal display appears again in the top panel display without
further operating steps after a short time (approx. 2s), or immedi-
ately if the shutter button is pressed to the pressure point. The
settings of shutter speed and aperture are made by turning the
rear thumbwheel and/or the shutter speed setting dial. In both
cases half-steps are available.
The settings for the shutter speed (with
T and M) are always made with
the shutter speed setting dial, for the aperture always with the rear
thumbwheel. In both cases half-steps are available.
In the factory setting, turning the rear thumbwheel to the right decreases
the aperture settings, turning to the left increases the settings. This can
be reversed, if desired.
Setting the function
1. In the menu, under SETUP , select the item Customize Controls and
2. select
Rear Wheel Direction in the sub-menu
A further sub-menu appears.
3. In this sub-menu, select the desired direction of rotation
The function of both thumbwheels can be deactivated for complete
protection against inadvertent changing of operating mode, shutter
speed, aperture, etc., i.e. turning and pressing do not then change the
settings in recording mode.
Setting the function
1. In the menu, under
SETUP , select the item Keylock and
2. select
Off or On in the sub-menu
On is selected, the corresponding symbol appears in the top
panel display, and in Live View mode also in the monitor
Exposure time and lens aperture are automatically set according to the
prevailing light and steplessly between 125s and
4000s, or
1000s when
using the central shutter on some Leica S lenses, and between open and
smallest aperture of the respective lens.
Displays in viewfinder and top panel display
P for the selected exposure operating mode, and
the automatically controlled shutter speed and aperture values.
If the automatic sensitivity setting (
AUTO ISO) is activated at the same
time, the control range of automatic program mode is extended. Even
with fully open aperture, however, the shutter speed is only extended
beyond the value dictated by the 1/f
setting selected in the menu
when the highest set sensitivity is reached.
With very little light or extreme brightness it is possible that the avail-
able shutter speed range is no longer sufficient for the preselected
aperture value. In such extremely rare cases a warning symbol for
underexposure appears in the viewfinder (possibly also as a warning of
values below the metering range, see also "Values below the metering
range"), or a warning symbol for overexposure. Correct exposure
metering is then no longer possible.
Applies also for
2f and
Inhalt_EN.indd 30 12.10.2015 09:34:16