User Manual

Recording mode
The shutter button and/or the Joystick can be used to save the exposure
setting (for
P , A and T) and the automatic focus (AF), depending on the
various menu settings.
General notes on the storage function
With the shutter button:
Only the
AF setting can be stored, and only in AFs operating mode.
The storage function of the shutter button always applies to only
one picture.
With the Joystick:
The exposure and
AF settings can be stored. Various function
combinations are available which you define via the menu control.
The storage function of the Joystick is retained as long as it is held
pressed forward, i.e. over any number of pictures, and irrespective
of whether the shutter button is also pressed at the same time.
The storage function of the Joystick applies to both the
AFs and the
AFc operating mode.
Saving with the shutter button
1. Focus on the part of the subject to be metered with the crosshair
the viewfinder
2. Press the shutter button to the first pressure point. The value stored
is retained as long as this pressure point is held.
3. While holding the pressure point, determine the final picture detail
and take the
4. picture.
Metering memory lock is canceled when you remove your finger from the
shutter button pressure point.
Saving with the Joystick
Setting the function combinations
1. In the menu, under SETUP , select the item Customize Controls and
2. select
AF/AE Lock Button in the sub-menu
A further sub-menu appears.
In this sub-menu select whether you wish to set the function for
Mode or In MF Mode set via the menu
In AF mode
3. In the AF-Mode sub-menu, select one of the three variants
Effect of the three function variants:
AF/AE lock (factory setting)
Shutter release button:
AFs setting
Joystick: Exposure setting,
AFs/AFc setting
Shutter release button: AFs setting
Joystick: Exposure setting
Shutter release button:
AFs setting
AFs/AFc setting
In MF mode
In manual focus mode you can nevertheless activate AF mode temporar-
ily, i.e. for the particular picture, and/or – depending on the setting - to
save the exposure setting by pressing the Joystick forwards.
3. In the
MF-Mode sub-menu, select one of the five variants
Effect of the five function variants
AFs On / AE Lock (factory setting)
AFs mode activated for one picture, saving of the exposure setting
The resulting AF setting remains stored until it is changed by manual
adjustment or by pressing the button again.
AFs on
As for AFs On / AE Lock, but without saving of the exposure setting
AFc On / AE Lock
As for AFs On / AE Lock, but with AFc mode
AFc on
As for AFs On / AE Lock, but without saving of the exposure setting
Saving of the exposure setting
Displays in the viewfinder during saving of the exposure setting
A light balance appears showing the deviation from the stored metered
If aperture and/or exposure time are changed during this time, the
respective other value is adapted accordingly and displayed.
Exposure compensations are possible in automatic program, shutter
speed priority and aperture priority modes.
Entering and canceling an exposure compensation in the menu
1. In the menu under CAMERA, select the item Exp. Compensation.
The sub-menu shows a scale with a setting mark highlighted in
red. If it is at a value of
O, this means that the function is deacti-
2. Set the desired value by turning the rear thumbwheel or by pressing
the Joystick to the left or right.
In the initial menu list, a set compensation is indicated by
In the factory setting, this function can be called up directly by holding
the button bottom right next to the monitor depressed.
Displays in viewfinder and top panel display, and in Live View
mode also in the monitor (in the picture data display)
The compensation value on the light balance (viewfinder and monitor)
A corresponding warning symbol (viewfinder)
+ or - (top panel display)
Once set, a compensation value is retained even when the camera is
switched off.
An exposure compensation set on the camera only influences meter-
ing of the available light, i.e. not flash light (for more information about
flash photography, refer to the respective sections).
Example, either plus or minus, "X" stands for the respective value
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