
With a camera, this image is captured by
a sensor; with binoculars, the image
is stored in your memory – forever.
Sigrun Kammans
I was quite overawed when I began my first day of work
in 1987. I feel that the lesson I was told back then still
plays a crucial role: “Innovations are the consequence of
constant dialogue and intense exchange with the users of
our products.”
Understanding our customers’ needs is the first step
but for the second, physics comes into play. But how do
we go about developing a new line of binoculars? What
kind of opportunities do we have to expand the natural
boundaries of perception? And how can we make the new
Noctivid line even better?
Scientific research, new materials and manufacturing
methods also offer new opportunities for the improvement
of the mechanical and optical components of binoculars.
When I started out at Leica, it was virtually impossible to
develop binocular systems with more than 80 % transmis-
sion. Nowadays, we have optical glasses with particularly
high transmission properties. In the Noctivid binoculars,
we use such glasses for the lenses, but above all for the
prisms, where the ray paths through glass are longest. In
addition to this, we have also made further improvements
to the special coatings that are applied to all lenses and
prisms to minimise reflections.
All these improvements contribute to almost lossless
transmission of the entire visible spectrum and colors
of the light entering the binoculars through their optical
systems and to the eye. This results in a very bright and
color-neutral viewing image. People often ask me whether
this is suitable for observation during the day or night. The
answer is: for both, eminently.
We naturally also analyze them according to the require-
ments of international standards and norms, e. g. with
transmission measurement equipment. In the particular
case of our Noctivid binoculars, in terms of color fidelity
and rendition, we even come extraordinarily close to the
so-called achromatic locus, in other words, the point of
absolute color neutrality. Everything is well engineered,
For the Noctivid line my colleague Michael Hartmann
actually managed to further improve the already excep-
tional resolving powers our HD-Plus binoculars are known
for. The bright and clear viewing image is now richer
in contrast and even sharper. Here at Leica Camera AG,
synergy between our work and that of the photographic
lens designers brings significant benefits for both sides.
The expectations to be fulfilled by a camera lens are very
similar. Customers for both product lines expect best
contrast, finest resolution of details and the ability to see
their subjects in what comes as close as possible to 3D –
in both cases, a perfect image. The only difference: in
the case of a camera, this image is captured by a sensor
and stored, while in the case of a pair of binoculars, it
is captured by the eyes and stored in your memories
Sometimes, when we’re working on complex calculations
to obtain the perfect blend of brilliant optics and highly
precise – yet rugged mechanics, I gaze out the window
into the old fruit trees in front of our office and think of the
little owl (Athene noctua) brooding there. Why shouldn’t
it be possible? Doesn’t nature show us how, by creating
the perfect eyes? Eyes which, even at night, have incred-
ible 3-D vision, and can make out minutest details even
at great distances? Eyes that evolve, developing further
with each passing generation? Thinking along these lines,
I’m reminded a bit of Leonardo da Vinci, who attempted
to recreate the flight of birds mechanically, in flying
machines. And that inspires me to keep finding solutions,
so that seeing through binoculars becomes as natural as
seeing with a second pair of eyes.
Read more about Sigrun Kammans’ experiences at
Behind the scenes.
How a pair of binoculars is made.