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About focus range
The focus range is displayed when operating the zoom.
The focus range is displayed in red when focusing was not
successful after pressing the shutter release button halfway.
The focus range may change gradually depending on the zoom position.
e.g.: Focusing range during Program Mode
When the subject is not focused as desired (such as when it is not in the center of the
composition of the picture you want to take)
1 Aim the AF frame at the subject, and then
press the shutter release button halfway to
set and lock focus and exposure.
2 Press and hold the shutter release button
halfway as long as you move the camera to
compose the picture.
You can repeat the actions in step 1 before pressing the shutter release button fully.
Subjects and recording conditions which are difficult to focus
Fast-moving subjects, extremely bright subjects or subjects without contrast
When recording subjects through windows or near shiny objects
When it is dark or when the camera is not held still
When the camera is too close to the subject or when there are both distant and near subject parts in
the picture