How-To Guide

ET S IEN 300 328 V2.1.1(2016-11)
Safety Conformance
Conforms to the following safety standards
P erform ance
IEC 60601-1:2005+AM D1:2012 CS V M edicalelectricalequipm ent-P art1: Generalrequirementsforbasicsafety
andessentialperform ance
IEC 60601-1-2 2014 M edicalelectricalequipm ent-P art1-2:General requirem entsforbasicsafety and essential
perform ance-C ollateralS tandard: Electrom agneticCapability-R equirem entsandtests
IEC 60601-2-37 2007M edicalelectricalequipm ent-P art2-37:P articular requirem entsforthebasicsafety and
essentialperformanceofultrasonic m edicaldiagnosticandm onitoringequipm ent
IS O 10993-1 2009 Biologicalevaluation ofm edicaldevices-P art1:Evaluation andtestingw ithinariskm anagement
AIU M /N EM A U D 2-2004 2009 N EM A S tandardsP ublicationU D 2-2004 (R 2009) AcousticO utputM easurem ent
S tandard forDiagnosticU ltrasound Equipment, R evision3.(R adiology)
AIU M /N EM A U D 3-2004 2009 N EM A S tandardsP ublicationU D 3-2004 (R 2009) S tandard forR eal-T imeDisplay
ofT herm alandM echanicalAcousticO utput IndicesonDiagnosticU ltrasoundEquipm ent
P roductS pecification,DesignR eview,Verification/ValidationandR isk,
IEC 62304 2006 M edicaldevicesoftw are-S oftw arelifecycleprocesses
IEC 62366 2014 M edicaldevices-Application ofusability engineeringtom edicaldevices
IEC 60601-1-6 U sability
IS O 15223-1 2016 M edicaldevices-S ym bolstobeusedw ithmedicaldevicelabels,labelingandinform ationto be
IS O 13485 2003 M edicalDevices-Q uality M anagem entS ystems-R equirem entsforR egulatoryP urposes
IS O 14971 2007 M edicalDevices-ApplicationofR iskM anagem enttoM edicalDevices
M DD 1993 M edicalDeviceDirective93/42/EEC AN N EX II