Users Manual

and your headset is within 10m; if there are walls and other obstacles between them, the
communication distance should be shortened accordingly.
3.2 ݵ⭥
3.2 Charging
3.2.1 ൘ㅜа⅑֯⭘ᵜ㙣ᵪࡽ䈧ሶ⭥⊐⭥䟿ݵ┑ˈ䘉㠣ቁ䴰㾱 2.5 њሿᰦDŽ
3.2.1 Please fully charge batteries before using your headset for the first time, which will take
at least 2.5 hours.
3.2.2 ޽⅑ݵ⭥--ᖃ⭥⊐⭥䟿䗷վᰦˈ൘ᔰᵪ⣦ᘱлˈ㙣ᵪкⲴ㬍⚟䰚⛱ᡀ㓒⚟䰚⛱ˈ
䘉ᰦ⭥⊐վ⭥䟿DŽݵ⭥ᰦˈ㓒⚟䰚Ӟ 2 лˈ㓒㢢Ⲵ LED ⚟Ӟ䎧ˈ⭥⊐ݵ┑ᰦˈ㬍㢢 LED
⚟Ӟ䎧DŽᮤњݵ⭥䗷〻བྷ㓖䴰㾱 3 њሿᰦᐖDŽ
3.2.2 Recharging -- if the
battery power is too low, the blue light on your headset will flicker
into a red light when it is turned on, which means that the battery power is low. During charging,
after the red light flashes for 2 times, the red LED light turns on, and when there is full battery
power, the blue LED light will turn on. The entire charging process takes about three hours.
3.2.3 䮯ᵏ֯⭘ˈ⭥⊐Ⲵ⭥ᙗ㜭Պ䙀⑀л䱽DŽ
3.2.3 After long-term use, the battery's electrical performance will gradually decline.
3.2.4 Ѫ
3.2.4 The r
echargeable battery providing power for your product must be properly disposed
in order to be recycled. Contact the local recycling center for a proper disposal.
Warning: do not put batteries in fire in order to avoid explosion.
3.2.5 ݵ⭥↕僔ྲл˖
3.2.5 Charging steps are as follows: ሶᵜ㙣ᵪⲴݵ⭥㓯ᨂޕ㙣ᵪDŽ Insert the charging cable of your headset into your headset. ݵаޕޕ֯
USB ᡆ㘵ަԆⲴާᴹ׋⭥㜭Ⲵ USB ᨂDŽݵ⭥ᰦˈ㙣ᵪ㓒 LED ⽪⚟ᢃ
аⴤӞ䎧ˈⴤ㠣ݵ⭥ᆼᡀѪ→DŽᆼᡀݵ⭥བྷ㓖䴰㾱 3 њሿᰦDŽ Inser
t the other end of the charging line into the power adapter and insert the power
adapter into a socket or use an USB interface on a computer or other USB ports with power supply
functions. During charging, the red LED indicator on the headset will not be on until the charging
is completed, and recharging takes about three hours. ݵ⭥ᆼᡀ(㬍㢢 LED
⽪⚟Ӟ䎧)ˈ俆ݸᯝᔰ⭥Ⓚˈ޽ሶݵ⭥ಘ䘎᧕ 㓯Ӿ㙣
ѝᤄࠪDŽ After charging is finished (the blue LED indicator is on), first disconnect the power
supply, and then remove the charger connector from your headset.