
BladeCenter S—Big benefits for the small office
With simpler and more cost-effective administration,
BladeCenter S may require fewer IT resources, helping enable
skilled IT staff to be deployed to more strategic initiatives. In
addition, tools such as Predictive Failure Analysis, light path
diagnostics and multiple layers of redundancy can help keep
systems available and operating at peak performance with little
manual IT intervention.
As part of the Express Portfolio™, BladeCenter S is even easy
to purchase. The entire Express Portfolio is developed and
priced with a midsized budget and usability needs in mind.
In addition, low-rate finance options may be available.
Less impact on budget, more savings
As energy costs continue to escalate, power and cooling
budgets are tightening. BladeCenter S is designed to facilitate
impressive compute power in an energy efficient package. In
fact, it can be up to 50 percent more energy efficient than rack
or tower servers. BladeCenter S is the best of both worlds,
with the ability to help you reduce both your power and
cooling costs.
BladeCenter S offers:
The ability to operate at standard 110 V or 220 V typical
office power, eliminating the need for high-voltage power.
Groundbreaking power and cooling technologies to help
lower power consumption and increase efficiency.
A foundation for success
BladeCenter has the premier ecosystem providing solutions to
business, small and large. BladeCenter offerings are designed
to grow with your business.
Why System x
System x is the leading provider of x86 systems for the
data center. The portfolio includes rack, tower, blade, dense
and converged systems, and supports enterprise class
performance, reliability and security. System x also offers a
full range of networking, storage, software and solutions, and
comprehensive services supporting business needs throughout
the IT lifecycle.