User Manual

Chapter 2. Getting started with your computer
 YOGA modes ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
The display panel can be opened to any angle, up to 360 degrees. The orientation of the contents
of your display changes automatically when you rotate the display to a different angle. To
prevent automatic orientation, you can turn on the Rotation lock located in the action center.
Do not open the display with too much force, as this can damage the panel or hinges.
hen closing the display panel, be careful not to leave pens or any other objects between the display panel
and the keyboard, as this can damage the display panel.
You can switch your display into one of four YOGA modes by rotating the display to a different
Notebook mode, suitable for tasks that require a keyboard and mouse (such as creating documents, writing
emails, and more).
nd mode (Theater mode), suitable for tasks that require little or no touch (such as viewing photos or
playing videos).
able mode, suitable for tasks that require frequently touching the screen (such as surfing the web, playing
games, and more).
ent mode (Presentation mode), suitable for tasks that require limited interaction with the touch screen
(such as displaying graphs or PowerPoint presentations).
The keyboard and touch pad are automatically disabled in Stand mode, Tent mode, and Tablet mode. You
can use the multi-touch screen to operate your computer instead.
orientation is not available in Notebook mode.