Operation Manual

Chapter 7: Viewing Status
SecureMind Surveillance Manager
Page 89
Chapter 7: Viewing Status
This section provides information about the camera status, events (video loss, network error, and so on),
audit log, and relay status.
7.1 Camera Status
Information such as Camera Name, IP Address, Camera Status, and so on is displayed. It provides the
camera stream information such as codec used for the stream, resolution of the video from that stream,
stream frame rate, and transmission bit rate.
Note: If the camera is online, then the camera stream information is displayed. If the camera is
offline, then Camera Name, IP Address, and Status are displayed.
To view the camera status, peform the following:
1. On the SecureMind Surveillance Manager screen, go to Status > Camera Status.
The Camera Status screen is displayed.
Figure 66. Camera Status