Installation Guide

Why the Lenovo Smart Frame not displaying all my photos from my
Photos added to Google Photos will be gradually update to your Lenovo
Smart Frame which may take time. If user quickly browse the photos when
the update is still going on, user will only see photos that are updated to
the Lenovo Smart Frame. You may also check if the “Lock Orientation” is
enabled. If enabled, photos that are not consistent with the current Frame
orientation will be filtered out.
Why Google Photos does not immediately synchronize to the Lenovo
Smart Frame after adding or deleting a photo or album?
As a limitation from Google Photos, when adding or deleting a photo,
changes will not be immediately updated to the frame. However Lenovo
Smart Frame will send regular requests to Google Photos to refresh
content on an hourly basis.
I edited a photo in Google Photos, but the edited photo is not showing
on the frame?
As a limitation from Google Photos, changes made to a photo in Google
Photos will not be synchronized to the frame. You may save the edited
photo and upload to Google Photos again, this way the new photo will
synchronize to the frame.
How can I find my favorite photos?
Under the Selected Photos channel, select “Lenovo Smart Frame
Favorites” to access your favorite photos.
Why sometimes does the Previous instruction not take effect?
If the photo is the first one in the channel, "Previous" instruction will not
take effect, instead you will receive a message “This is the first photo”.