Installation Guide

How to hide the power cord?
Though Lenovo does not offer this solution, it is possible to use wall plates
and/or wall channel kits for the installation to hide the power cord.
These installation accessories can be found at your local hardware store.
Please note that you will need to purchase and install the accessories by
yourself. Lenovo do not take responsibility for the accessories’ quality and
the risk caused by such installation.
Is there an extender for the Lenovo Smart Frame power cord?
Lenovo does not provide an extender. However, these extender
accessories can be found at your local electronics store. Below you will find
a picture with the specification of the Lenovo Smart Frame power cord.
Please note that you will need to purchase and install the accessories by
yourself. Lenovo do not take responsibility for the accessories’ quality and
the risk caused by such installation.
How to remove the charging head from the Wall Mounting Bracket?
Press the unlock key located on the Wall Mounting Bracket, and pull the
charging head gently.