User manual

| Configuring the Switch
Configuring the Time Zone and Daylight Savings Time
– 51 –
Use the Time Zone and Daylight Savings Time page to set the time zone
and Daylight Savings Time.
Time Zone – NTP/SNTP uses Coordinated Universal Time (or UTC, formerly
Greenwich Mean Time, or GMT) based on the time at the Earth’s prime
meridian, zero degrees longitude, which passes through Greenwich,
England. To display a time corresponding to your local time, you must
indicate the number of hours and minutes your time zone is east (before)
or west (after) of UTC. You can choose one of the 80 predefined time zone
definitions, or your can manually configure the parameters for your local
time zone.
Daylight Savings Time – In some countries or regions, clocks are adjusted
through the summer months so that afternoons have more daylight and
mornings have less. This is known as Daylight Savings Time or Summer
Time. Typically, clocks are adjusted forward one hour at the start of spring
and then adjusted backward in autumn.
Basic/Advanced Configuration, System, Time
These parameters are displayed:
Time Zone Configuration
Time Zone – A drop-down box provides access to the 80 predefined
time zone configurations. Each choice indicates it’s offset from UTC and
lists at least one major city or location covered by the time zone.
Acronym – Sets the acronym of the time zone. (Range: Up to 16
alphanumeric characters, as well as the symbols ‘-’, ‘_’ or ‘.’)
Daylight Saving Time Configuration
Mode – Selects one of the following configuration modes.
Disabled – Daylight Savings Time is not used.
Recurring – Sets the start, end, and offset times of summer time
for the switch on a recurring basis. This mode sets the summer-
time zone relative to the currently configured time zone.
From – Start time for summer-time.
To – End time for summer-time.
Offset – The number of minutes to add during Daylight Saving
Time. (Range: 1-1440)