User Guide

Process menu contains a number of image processing tools. The LevenhukLite tools are similar to any other graphics
editing software. Below is a full list of actions in this menu
Opens the Stitch dialog that allows you to stitch several images into one.
Opens the Filter dialog that allows you to apply one of many LevenhukLite filters to an
image. Before trying it out, we recommend you to read up on convolution and
morphological filters on various forums. You can also create custom filters, which can be
accessed from the Filter tab.
Allows you to adjust the intensity levels of the image, thus increasing its contrast and
display sensitivity in low light conditions.
Allows you to partition the image into multiple segments (superpixels), based on pixels
similar in color, intensity or texture. Afterwards, you can either delete the superpixels from
the image or remove the rest of the image. This is very effective when you want to remove
the noise from the image, while keeping the main details.
Allows you to simplify the image bitmap. If the grey level of a given pixel exceeds a certain
threshold, it is turned white. If it doesn't, the pixel is turned black.