
lthough visually
similar to Lewitt
Audio’s LCT 640,
their new LCT 640
TS sports a twin
diaphragm capsule
and incorporates
Lewitt’s integrated capsule matching
system. The TS stands for Twin
System: it works either in regular
multipattern mic mode, or in dual
mode, providing independent access
to both diaphragm outputs. This
allows adjustment of the pickup
pattern after recording and also opens
up some stereo recording options.
On body options include low cut
lter (40 and 80Hz at 12dB/octave or
160Hz at 6dB/octave), output
attenuation (0, -6, -12 or -18dB) and
mode – regular multipattern or dual
with twin output. The backlit logo
colour indicates the current mode and
the logo freezes on red to indicate
capsule clipping. In dual mode the
second diaphragm output is accessed
via a miniature three-pin connector
on the side of body, and in the carry
case there’s a mini three-pin XLR
breakout cable as well as accessories
such as foam windshield, suspension
cradle, mic pouch and a rather nifty
magnetic pop shield. All told, it’s a
well put together and stylish package.
Switching through the fi ve
patterns in regular multipattern mode
reveals a uniform sounding mic which
is bright though not overhyped in the
high frequencies, with solid though
not overly woolly low mids. For the
amount adjusting the width. Or
bouncing these signals via Polarizer to
create two individual signals, fi gure-8
and omni, provides the source signals
required for manual mid side (MS)
decoding. Impressive, and although
you’re primarily relying on the off axis
frequency response of the diaphragms
for the phantom centre, it sounded
pretty good. Overall, the LCT640 TS
is a fabulous mic and you get a lot of
functionality for your money.
directional patterns proximity isn’t
overbearing, and the three low cut
settings provide plenty of options for
taming rumble and proximity.
In twin output mode you need to
hook up the second output to a
second phantom powered mic pre
with identical gain. With both outputs
recorded to individual tracks you can
then decode the signals. To do this
manually Lewitt include level and
polarity instructions. However, the
simpler option is their free Polarizer
plug-in. This takes a hard panned
stereo input (front diaphragm left,
rear diaphragm right) and outputs a
dual mono signal. Its smooth slider
moves from omni at one end via
cardioid and super cardioid to fi gure
8 in the middle, then the back
diaphragm becomes the front as it
continues through similar options to a
phase inverted omni at the end.
By turning the LCT640 TS side on
to your sound source, the twin output
also opens up stereo options. Panning
the outputs in opposite directions
delivers a stereo image with the pan
Flexible multipattern
mic with fi ve pattern
options and a good
selection of
attenuation and roll
off settings
Excellent build
quality, stylish design
and bundled with all
required accessories
Twin output mode
allows full
adjustment of
polar pattern
after recording
By turning the mic
side on, the twin
output mode also
delivers adjustable
stereo recording
The included
Polarizer plug-in
allows quick and
smooth adjustment
of polar pattern and
even automation of
those changes
Second output on
the side is quite
small and fragile so
care is needed when
plugging up the
breakout cable
The LCT 640 TS is an
impressive mic, offering
a combination of
traditional and forward-
thinking functionality.
It is bright though not
overhyped in the high
frequencies, with solid
though not woolly low mids
Lewitt LCT 640 TS | Reviews
FMU312.rev_lewitt.indd 89 02/11/2016 14:38