User Manual

Algorithm Name
Displays the name of the currently selected algorithm.
Preset Category
Presets for the algorithm are grouped into categories to make them easier to find. For example,
the Hall algorithm is broken into Small Halls, Medium Halls and so on. Clicking in this area will
show the list of categories. Selecting a category will load the presets for that category in the
Preset Selector.
Preset Selector
Displays the list of presets within the selected category. Selecting a preset from the list will
cause the preset to be loaded into the plug-in.
Realtime Display
Three unique visualizations help you to see inside the reverb. This is explained in greater depth
in the “Realtime Display” section of this manual.
EQ Window
Allows you to see the type of EQ filters that are applied to the early and late reverb signals. This
is explained in greater depth in the “EQ Window” section of this manual.
Level Meters
Show the input and output levels.
Help Button
Click on the Help button to enable tooltip help. Then hover your mouse cursor over the button
or parameter you want to know about. An explanation will appear onscreen.
Fader Area
Parameter values are shown and controlled in this area. This is explained in more depth in the
“Fader Area” section of this manual.
Control Buttons
These let you access all of a preset’s parameters, manage presets, and compare changes you’ve
made to the original settings. This is explained in more detail in the “Control Buttons” section
of this manual.